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Perbaharui informasi anda dengan berita terbaru yang kami sediakan

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Kegiatan Peringatan Hari Besar Islam (PHBI)

This is your news article. Include the full article, a blog post or a memo with an exciting update regarding your school. Keep it interesting and relevant, and don’t forget to include an engaging photo or video.

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Kegiatan Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG) oleh Kepala Madrasah

This is your news article. Include the full article, a blog post or a memo with an exciting update regarding your school. Keep it interesting and relevant, and don’t forget to include an engaging photo or video.

“Tubuh dibersihkan dengan air. Jiwa dibersihkan dengan air mata. Akal dibersihkan dengan pengetahuan. Dan Jiwa dibersihkan dengan Cinta.”

Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A

Hubungi Kami

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